The CC&R’s (Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions– more commonly called Deed Restrictions), were established with the development of Bridlewood Ranches in 2002. The original deed restrictions were amended in 2006 to clarify and restrict the construction and use of large buildings for other than residential use.
Deed restrictions outline the measures by which members preserve the value of their property and protect it from decline in value due to misuse and abuse of the land.
A special note is made here about the community wide arrangement, specified in the Deed Restrictions, between the POA and any qualified cattle grazing company, to allow the grazing of cattle on most of the land in the community. This arrangement, now in the form of a contract affords agricultural tax status for all properties which are open to cattle grazing by the owner.
The Bylaws define how the Property Owners Association is to conduct the business matters of the Association. The Bylaws were originally issued in 2006 and amended in 2013. This amended document was created to be in compliance with new laws enacted in Texas in the 2012 legislature.
The Deed Restrictions and the Bylaws may be viewed and copied from files at the Hays County Courthouse, or these files may be accessed and copied from this website.
The Deed Restrictions (CC&Rs) are organized into sections as follows: Note that the individual Articles are the original CC&R document.
- Article I—Definitions
- Article II—Reservations, Exceptions, Dedications
- Article III—Use Restrictions
- Article IV—Commercial Lots
- Article V—Architectural Control Committee
- Article VI—Property Owners Association
- Article VII—Maintenance Fund
- Article VIII—Developers Rights and Reservations
- Article IX—Duties and Powers of the Association
- Article X—General Provisions
- First Amendment
- Second Amendment
- Consolidated CCRs 2023
- Bylaws were originally established in 2002. Bylaws 2002
The 2003 Bylaws were amended in 2013. Bylaws 2013
Amendments were created in 2018 but not merged with the 2013 Bylaws. Amendment 2018
For a complete view of the Bylaws, read both the Bylaws 2013 and the Bylaws Amendment 2018.
The Plat map is kept up-to-date in the County Records, but those records do not compile the changes into one current map. Here is the most current map available, but does not show Lot 5 split and Lot 48 split. This map also lacks the flood plain which affects all three sections due to Purgatory and Sink Creek drainages. We are working on updating the Master Plan Map.
Master Plan Map with some of the edits.